Tuesday, February 12, 2008

At the End?

I think we are nearing the end of the sick days. Max's anyway. Mattie is running a pretty good fever today, and coughing quite a bit. Anyway, today's post is going to be pretty short, I'm going to bed!

Mom and I took Max and Mattie to Dr. Nehls today. She listened to his chest and said everything is clear. That's what I was really worried about, that it had progressed beyond a cold or flu. But it hasn't, so basically, we a dealing with a nasty, long-lasting respitoriy virus, which, added to Max's athsma, pretty much knocked him out. Mattie has it too, now, but shouldn't suffer quite as much, since she doesn't have the underlying problems. Hopefully Max can get back to school Thursday in time for Valentine's Day. By the way, illness really brings out Mattie's inner diva. Let's hope she's a healthy kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're drunk again.

No, I'm just exhausted 'cause I've been up all night drinking.