Tuesday, February 19, 2008

One Crazy Week

This has been a really bad few weeks for us so far. Good grief, Max had a respitory virus, gave it to Mattie, who developed an ear infection, Mark and I have been exausted trying to take care of the kids and still get to work and take care of the house. My tooth has been hurting really bad lately, and now today Mark's stomach is upset and my back is acting up. It seems like when I get stressed out (which isn't very often!) my back locks up or something. So Mark came home today to help take care of Mattie and pick up Max and all that. He's even making dinner. What a man! Mattie's ear infection is clearing up it seems like. Last night was the first night in a while she and Max slept through the night. Usually one or the other or both will wake up and need something.

Max was really excited to get back to school this week. He has been having trouble with his athsma, but Mrs. Shrag is back and she deals with it really well. She read with him during 2nd recess so he wouldn't have trouble with coughing.

Mattie had her daddy home with her all day, all to herself, so she couldn't ask for a better day. She hung on Marks leg all day. I think Mark's back will go out next! Mark was cracking up because Mattie will come up to you if you're eating something, and open her mouth and just stand there and wait for you to put some in. Mark even took both kids to Sam's today, by himself! They had a great time and came home with hotdogs and Icee's. Good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's about time we get an update. Now if we can get some new pictures all will be back to normal.