Tuesday, February 5, 2008

No American Idol Today

Today is normally our day to get togther with everyone and watch American Idol. But today...Josh is out of town, Emma is studing, Max isn't feeling well, so we called it off this week. Pretty soon we will make our picks for this season's top 5, then everyone puts in $5. At the end of the season, whoever was closest to the actual outcome wins the pot. Emily won last season with come-from-behind winner Jordon Sparks. I was the first one out with my pick of Chris somebody who got out like the 3rd week. Mark was second, he chose Blake to win. Anyway, I think I have a pretty good shot this year.

Mattie had a nice little meltdown in Wal-mart today. She saw the strawberries in the produce section and could not understand why I would not open them up and let her eat them. I'm used to her "shopping moments" but this was a good one. Luckily, I was ready to check out. Going grocery shopping with Matilda is like taking a pupping with no leash. You know it can hear you, but either it can't understand you or doesn't care. She must touch everything, put everything in the basket, and heaven forbid she ever sit in the cart. If she didn't look so amazingly adorable while being so impossibly annoying, it would be alot less funny. As it is, I really enjoy shopping with her, and the last time I went to the store alone, it was really boring. Plus nobody talks to me when I don't have her or Max with me. So we all got to eat $5 strawberries after dinner tonight. Thanks, Mattie!
On a knitting knote (I know, I love it too!), these are the matching hats I made them this fall. They even have their names on them. All they need is like, Tweety Bird and Taz to be totally wrong. Mattie loves hers and Max tolerates his. He has a completly male outlook on it: if not this one, I'd make him wear another one, so what's the difference? I figure at least he'll come home with it from school. I'm almost done with Max's grey cabled sweater. I need to sew the side seams and finish the collar. Mattie's shouldn't take too long, I'm using #10's on the body, #9's on the edging.

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