Monday, February 11, 2008

It's Not so Sunny Here

What a day! And not in the happy, last day of vacation sense. We took Max to the ER last night at 12:30, and didn't get back till almost 2:00am. And we didn't even see a doctor. His coughing woke me up last night, so I listened for a few minutes, and it didn't slow down, so I got up to give him some Albuterol. When I touched him, he was burning up. I didn't even need the thermometer to know we had a problem. But I ran and got it and it said 105. 105!! I about passed out! I yelled for Mark, and we debated about putting him in the bath, or going to the hospital. We went to the hospital. He could barely draw a breath without coughing. We loaded him up, Mark stayed with Mattie to save time, and Max and I took off. When we got to the ER, he was already doing a little better, I think the cold night air helped. Anyway, we waited for 20 or 30 minutes, talked to the nurse and left. I got $30 worth of fever reducing medicine at a 24hr Walgreens, and we went home. By about 3:30 his fever was down to about 99 or 100. Geez. So everyone woke up this morning tired, but ok. Needless to say, we skipped school. At this rate, it will be 1st grade before he goes back.

Mattie is still doing ok, but does have a small fever...please, NO! So I have kept her on the Motrin, too. I spent all morning on the phone with various doctors, Dr Reyes for the cough, Dr. Nehls for everything else. They really didn't say anything I didn't already know, but Dr Reyes did call in an antihistemine. I am going to try and take him in to Nehls tomorow. PLUS...I am staring to not feel really well, but I am going to asume it's nothing. Anyway, I'm pretty tired of this, and can't wait until it's over. Plus, I need a haircut. Bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, glad he is feeling a little better. I'm finally pulling out of my crap.

Chris: What's a library, dad?

Peter: Oh, it's just a place where homeless people come to shave and go BM.