Monday, February 4, 2008

Hair? Dryer

Today we went to Dr. Reyes, Max's athsma doctor. Max is still breathing, yea! We haven't had any problems for a while now. Monday is turning out to be our Library day, we spent most of the afternoon there after picking Max up from school. The hardest thing is keeping Mattie quiet. I have never really figured out how to do it. She climbs up and down the two stairs into the children's area singing "Go! Go! Go! Go!" while Max tries desperatly to find a Scooby Doo book he can read. We finally settled on a dozen books or so and checked out. It's so cool that knitting is popular now, the library gets all the new knitting books. When I first started knitting, they only had about 10, and most of them were from the '80's. Ewww. Tomorrow I'll post a picture of the sweater I'm making Max. After I'm done I am going to make Mattie a matching one in pink. I know, I know, but I think it's cute, so shut up. Seriously, stop. Max got himself dressed, feed, and even packed his own lunch today. He was so proud. We had to institute a new chart this week to help him keep on track in the mornings. I would have to stay on him all morning just to walk out of the door on time. He is just slow and distractable...scatterbrained. But with this pocket chart, everything is in order, and he slides the card to "Done" and moves on to the next card. It worked today; we'll see tomorrow. After baths tonight, Mattie had her hair dried. She seemed to like it and watched herself in the mirror. It took like 30 seconds to get "all" her hair dried. And that's almost 2 year's worth of hair. Geez.

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