Friday, February 22, 2008


Its a quiet Friday, finally. Mattie took her place back as the Weight Watchers Princess, everyone at the meeting fawning over her, talking to her, and just making a general fuss over her. It's hysterical to watch! It seems like I'm exaggerating because I'm biased, but, really, everywhere we go people talk to her and say how pretty she is. The other day at Hobby Lobby, a lady was saying how symmetrical her face was and how it didn't look like a baby face, but was proportional and on and on, whatever that was supposed to mean. It's crazy.
This picture is when Mattie was sick. They both had those bloodshot eyes and the snots. Eww.
Max asked about being "babatized" last night. You can tell he wants to, but is nervous. He said he'll do it when he's 10. I bet it's within the year. He is really interested in presidents, and how they are elected and for how long. He wants to know why Japan has a Emperor, and not a President. He wanted to know if George Washington was still alive, how many votes did George Bush get during the last election, and on and on. Somehow he always saves his questions until bedtime.

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