Friday, February 8, 2008

Sick Day III

Man, more of the same. Fever, coughing, runny nose. Poor guy, but he does seem to be on the up swing now. He is counting the days until he can go back to school though! He doesn't know he will probably have to miss one of his classmate's birthday parties tomorow, he is going to be upset Monday when he finds out. I can't let him go and cough all over everyone though. He didn't sleep very well last night, so between that and every-three-hours inhaler doses, no one got very much sleep. About 4:00am he woke me up and said he had a bad dream about spiders in his bed. I hate those, too. I put him back in bed and "pet" him for a while (that's what he calls it). This morning, he told me he had another dream after that, where he was in a spelling contest, and he was the last one, and the final word was: Emma. He said he told them (judges, I guess) E-m-m-a, and so he won a trophy, $100, and a bike with 2 wheels. Then he spent the next 30 minutes telling me what he would buy if he really did win $100, combined with his current $13, of course. Let's see, a TV for $1, a new car, $1, new toys, $1, everything was $1. So he subratcted $1 from $113 until he got to $107, then he lost track of his dollars. I was kind of glad, this had taken almost an hour. He felt better today as long as we kept his medicines up. I told him to give me a thumbs-up for my picture and could only get silliness. He is definatly feeling better. His eye's were really bloodshot though, and I read on the internet that is from coughing, and a cold rag over his eyes would help. They said it's nothing to be conserned about, but it creeps me out. Anyway, late tonight (7:30) I got this hilarious shot of Max with a washcloth over his eyes, and next to him Mattie with one over her eyes. She can't let brother have all the fun. I had already uploaded my shots for today, so I'll get it tomorrow. This is Mattie's version of the thumbs-up:

All the nursing was worth it though, because this afternoon I got a letter:

Hopefully, Max will be over this tomorrow, but we have lucked out, no one else has gotten it.

P.S.: That is Dorito dust on her face, not a rash or anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sickness continues as well, but we are going skiing tomorrow no matter what.

"You've been very naughty Louis, when we get home you're getting anal. I mean it; you’re going to clean every bit of the house"