Saturday, February 23, 2008

Go, go, go!

What a busy day! It started early when I went to get Mattie out of bed and she was naked. She has finally learned to take her jammies off... my baby's growing up. I said, what did you do? She said, cold! Emily came over to watch the kids while I went to the library's book sale. It was pretty awesome. Emily said they had a good time, too. Mattie will not say Emma. She should be able to, but can't quite get it out. We worked on it a little bit today, though. They watched Cinderella and played Lego Star Wars, and anything else I don't want to know about! Cokes and candy at 10:00am!

After lunch, Max and I left for Mason's birthday party at Andy Alligator's, some new Chuck E. Cheese type place. Max played bowling with his friends for a long time, then they all scattered to play games. So Max finds the kid-sized basketball toss game. He played it over and over, and was sinking so many baskets, people were stopping to watch him! I couldn't believe it, I started counting, and he was making up to 5 shots in a row. You would never know he was my kid. He wants to play on a team so badly, I hope I can find one for him, but I'm afraid they were all this winter and we missed it. Anyway, that was the only game he played and he earned almost 50 tickets with just 4 or 5 games. He turned them in for a whoopie cushion, and thought he hit the jackpot. Mattie is scared of the whoopie cushion, though, she doesn't like to hear it. I'm starting to agree with her, it's getting annoying.

Mark and Max went to the Monster Truck Rally tonight. I know one of them really enjoyed it. Mark said they were stuck in traffic trying to park, and Max was in a frenzy. Why can't we go, Dad? Has it started yet, Dad? Where's Nick, Dad? Why is that car stopped, Dad? They finally made it there, and Mark said it was all he could do to keep up with him. Max said his favorite was everything, but I made him narrow it down, and he picked the transformers. I guess there were trucks that raised up and blew out fire, or something. He told me all about it, but he went on and on about so many things. And then they did this....and then this big truck came out and...Whoa!...and then....Boom!...and then...!!! It was 9:30 or 10 before they got home, and 11 or so before he would quiet down and sleep. I think he liked it. I just hope he doesn't want to be a monster truck driver when he grows up. Or any kind of truck driver for that matter.

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