Sunday, February 10, 2008

Not Another Sick Day

Another exciting day at the Madewell Memorial Hospital. Everyone is doing, Ok, but every now and then, someone's fever will spike, or Max will have a major coughing fit, and everyone's generally irritable (except me, of course!). I went to church this morning just to play the music service, and then come home. For some reason, Mark really needed to get to work early this afternoon (his part time job), I guess they really needed him to come in right when I got home (is my sarcasim coming across?). No, he wanted to get up there early and get his hours in so he could come home and I could go play for choir and evening service. I didn't end up going to either though because Max's fever spiked pretty high and I didn't want to leave him until it came down. So I called Todd and told him I was staying home to watch Max and didn't want to leave him because if his fever rose any more (it was at 102-103), I was going to take him in. So he told everyone at church, or probably in the choir, that I had taken Max to the emergency room. So everyone was asking Emily how Max was, and she didn't know what they were talking about, and when they told her she freaked out. She called Mom and Mom called Mark and then me was nuts. But no big deal, just drama.

Speaking of drama, this afternoon I was reading the paper, Max was asleep, and Mattie playing in her room, when I heard Fletch growl and snap and Mattie screamed. I flashed back to when Fletch snapped at Max (the one and only time) when Max was 2. I rounded the corner, expecting blood, and Mattie crying on the floor and Fletch cowering nearby. I didn't see any blood right away, and when I looked closer, he had nipped her in the wrist, but hadn't even broken the skin, but there was a small bruise. She had me kiss it two or three times, the I wrapped it in a damp washcloth. She really liked that. She held it on with her other hand and walked around that way for 15 or 20 minutes. Then she forgot all about it, and started pestering, I mean loving on Fletch again. She really does like him alot, and he is very tolerant of her. She shoves and hugs and hits and pinches, and he just kind of sits there with his ears back. He doesn't like it, but he tolerates it really well, and just kind of waits for a chance to excape. She loves to give him big hugs around the belly, and I have never seen him let anyone except Mark or I touch his belly while he is standing up. He really is good with her and it's mutually benificial, because he eats all the crackers and snacks she drops, and usually will feed him half anyway. I've almost got her to quit doing that. Gross. She will go to the back door and yell for him "Etch! Etch!".

One of Max's favorite shows is Funny Video's, so we tried to make a funny video today, Max's idea. This morning, Max and Mattie had this bit where Max held out a piece of paper and told Mattie to eat it and she tried to grab it in her mouth. It was pretty funny to watch. So we got the video camera out and the moment I turned it on, and turned to view screen around so Mattie could see herself, she started singing. And she kept singing through all of Max's attempts to get her to eat the paper. It was pretty funny, but probably just to us, kind of like this blog. But Max didn't give up and soon he was shoving the paper in her face and she was batting it away, singing the whole time. It's pretty entertaining. He has always asked to send in a funny video and is constanly practicing falling and asking me to record it. He even wrote out the letter and envelope to "funy videos".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't get to ski this weekend because of the sickness, wheeeeeee!

Meg, you're a good swimmer. Go in there and get my beer and for God sakes Meg do not be afraid to make me a sandwich while you are in there.

Louis, you were right to criticize Meg. She's in there right now taking a nap underwater.