Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Papa's Birthday
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
American Idol
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
"Funny Video" Video
Here is Max's homemade funny video. He had Mattie "eating" paper earlier that morning, but the moment I turned the camera on (and flipped the viewfinder screen so she could see herself) she started singing, and wouldn't do her part with the eating the paper bit. She batted the paper away without missing a note, just kept right on singing, then it starts annoying her, it's pretty funny.
Today was pretty quiet, until church tonight, when Max and Josh got together and started picking noses. I hope this doesn't start a booger obsession, like the potty talk. He'll be grounded from Uncle Josh. Forever. He was sitting in the back with Josh and Emma because Dallas was sitting next to me up front and getting on Max's nerves.
Mattie is really starting to talk alot. It's the toddler talk where you can't really understand her unless you already know what she's talk about,'s talking! She loves to be read to, so maybe that's helping. I caught Max reading her a book in her room the other day. Just one of her board book, too, not one of his reader books. He read her the whole thing and she just sat there and listened to him. After the first book, he got a second one, but struggled with some of the words, so he told her, we'll just have to look at the pictures on this one.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Go, go, go!
Mark and Max went to the Monster Truck Rally tonight. I know one of them really enjoyed it. Mark said they were stuck in traffic trying to park, and Max was in a frenzy. Why can't we go, Dad? Has it started yet, Dad? Where's Nick, Dad? Why is that car stopped, Dad? They finally made it there, and Mark said it was all he could do to keep up with him. Max said his favorite was everything, but I made him narrow it down, and he picked the transformers. I guess there were trucks that raised up and blew out fire, or something. He told me all about it, but he went on and on about so many things. And then they did this....and then this big truck came out and...Whoa!...and then....Boom!...and then...!!! It was 9:30 or 10 before they got home, and 11 or so before he would quiet down and sleep. I think he liked it. I just hope he doesn't want to be a monster truck driver when he grows up. Or any kind of truck driver for that matter.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Back to "Normal"
Max is in school, Mark is at work, I'm catching up on the house, and Mattie is...Mattie.
She can count to 10 now, kind of, she needs a little prompting on six and seven, but she can get all the way to ten. Max is doing well at school, but using his inhaler about twice a day at school.
Mark and Max are going to the Monster Truck Rally this Saturday. Max is so excited about it, he even was willing to skip his friend's birthday party that's on the same day. I think he can do both, the party in the morning and Monster Trucks at night. The best day since Christmas. I'm just glad I don't have to go.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
One Crazy Week
Max was really excited to get back to school this week. He has been having trouble with his athsma, but Mrs. Shrag is back and she deals with it really well. She read with him during 2nd recess so he wouldn't have trouble with coughing.
Mattie had her daddy home with her all day, all to herself, so she couldn't ask for a better day. She hung on Marks leg all day. I think Mark's back will go out next! Mark was cracking up because Mattie will come up to you if you're eating something, and open her mouth and just stand there and wait for you to put some in. Mark even took both kids to Sam's today, by himself! They had a great time and came home with hotdogs and Icee's. Good day.
Friday, February 15, 2008
No Pictures yet
Valentines Day
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Sick Day CXIV
Sorry, more pictures coming when we get the computer going again.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
At the End?
Mom and I took Max and Mattie to Dr. Nehls today. She listened to his chest and said everything is clear. That's what I was really worried about, that it had progressed beyond a cold or flu. But it hasn't, so basically, we a dealing with a nasty, long-lasting respitoriy virus, which, added to Max's athsma, pretty much knocked him out. Mattie has it too, now, but shouldn't suffer quite as much, since she doesn't have the underlying problems. Hopefully Max can get back to school Thursday in time for Valentine's Day. By the way, illness really brings out Mattie's inner diva. Let's hope she's a healthy kid.
Monday, February 11, 2008
It's Not so Sunny Here
Mattie is still doing ok, but does have a small fever...please, NO! So I have kept her on the Motrin, too. I spent all morning on the phone with various doctors, Dr Reyes for the cough, Dr. Nehls for everything else. They really didn't say anything I didn't already know, but Dr Reyes did call in an antihistemine. I am going to try and take him in to Nehls tomorow. PLUS...I am staring to not feel really well, but I am going to asume it's nothing. Anyway, I'm pretty tired of this, and can't wait until it's over. Plus, I need a haircut. Bad.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Not Another Sick Day
Speaking of drama, this afternoon I was reading the paper, Max was asleep, and Mattie playing in her room, when I heard Fletch growl and snap and Mattie screamed. I flashed back to when Fletch snapped at Max (the one and only time) when Max was 2. I rounded the corner, expecting blood, and Mattie crying on the floor and Fletch cowering nearby. I didn't see any blood right away, and when I looked closer, he had nipped her in the wrist, but hadn't even broken the skin, but there was a small bruise. She had me kiss it two or three times, the I wrapped it in a damp washcloth. She really liked that. She held it on with her other hand and walked around that way for 15 or 20 minutes. Then she forgot all about it, and started pestering, I mean loving on Fletch again. She really does like him alot, and he is very tolerant of her. She shoves and hugs and hits and pinches, and he just kind of sits there with his ears back. He doesn't like it, but he tolerates it really well, and just kind of waits for a chance to excape. She loves to give him big hugs around the belly, and I have never seen him let anyone except Mark or I touch his belly while he is standing up. He really is good with her and it's mutually benificial, because he eats all the crackers and snacks she drops, and usually will feed him half anyway. I've almost got her to quit doing that. Gross. She will go to the back door and yell for him "Etch! Etch!".
One of Max's favorite shows is Funny Video's, so we tried to make a funny video today, Max's idea. This morning, Max and Mattie had this bit where Max held out a piece of paper and told Mattie to eat it and she tried to grab it in her mouth. It was pretty funny to watch. So we got the video camera out and the moment I turned it on, and turned to view screen around so Mattie could see herself, she started singing. And she kept singing through all of Max's attempts to get her to eat the paper. It was pretty funny, but probably just to us, kind of like this blog. But Max didn't give up and soon he was shoving the paper in her face and she was batting it away, singing the whole time. It's pretty entertaining. He has always asked to send in a funny video and is constanly practicing falling and asking me to record it. He even wrote out the letter and envelope to "funy videos".
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Sick Day IV - This is Getting Old
Max has been coughing so much, his eyes are red and bloodshot, so I make him put a cold washcoth on his eyes for a while every now and then. Mattie thought that was cool, so...
Anyway, I'm getting tired of writing about everyone being sick, I hope we are nearing the end of this adventure. But Papa has the stomach bug, so I guess I'll quit complaining.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Sick Day III
All the nursing was worth it though, because this afternoon I got a letter:
Hopefully, Max will be over this tomorrow, but we have lucked out, no one else has gotten it.
P.S.: That is Dorito dust on her face, not a rash or anything.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Sick Day II
Never too sick for a lollypop!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Sick Day
Mattie found her bottle today, tucked away in a cabinet and she went nuts! She laughed and cried at the same time. If it wasn't so ridiculous, it would be funny. She's almost 2 and when she saw that thing, she fell to pieces. Unbridled joy at the return of a dear friend. It's really my fault for keeping her on it past 1 1/2, but after breastfeeding for so long, I loved to hold her while she drank it. She would even want me to rock her. Since she has never been a huge cuddler, I take what I can get! Max is my snugglly one.
I missed my spinning class this morning, I knew I would regret it, and I did all day. 5:30 just came way too early this morning. Mattie has been taking pictures all day with the Fischer Price camera, but she aims way to low and cuts off everyone's heads. I love it! Her best shots are Dad and Max, shown here. Kiddie camera takes some pretty decent shots!
Max spent about 10 minutes today talking to Jeff about Transformers and other cool Uncle topics. Plus, he has really let up on the potty talk lately, I mean, it's still there, but not as pervasive as before. I guess it will settle into the normal male level, always there, but usually with a filter.