Saturday, March 1, 2008

Max's King Krusher

Today was so beautiful outside. Like 75. Max rode his bike out front for a while, and then we decided to ride to Braum's to get milk and, what else, ice cream. We got my bike and Mattie's trailer out and took off. Everything was great until we got to the intersection. I punched the button, and explained to Max we had to wait until it said walk. So when it changed, he took off, the wrong way. He went against the traffic that had the green light. Thank God no cars were coming, and the others waited until we got across. So then we had to backtrack across the intersection we just accidentally crossed, then cross the one we were supposed to cross in the first place. So our trip included crossing three streets, instead of one. But, we made it, and got our milk and the kid's ice cream and ate it outside with our bikes. We called Mom to see if we needed to get ice cream for Dad's birthday party that evening, and she did. So we went back into Braum's and Mattie said, Mmmmm, more ice cream! We picked up our ice cream and headed back home without any problems. They both love riding bikes, Mattie sits back in her trailer and reads and chats to herself. Max is doing really well on his new Christmas bike. He still uses the training wheels, but is starting to pick up enough speed to think about taking them off.

So, we rested up and headed to Nana and Papa's for his birthday party. Papa got two really cool presents this year. A monster truck called King Krusher, and a talking "dustbuster" vacuum. Max was pretty excited that Papa decided to give the monster truck to him, and Mattie didn't even bother to wait, she just took the toy vacuum. Max snuggled with his truck all the way home, and fell asleep with it tonight. Mattie didn't realize the talking vacuum decided to live at Nana's house.

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