Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Ok, sorry, sorry! This is actually Tuesday's post. I didn't even know ya'll were keeping up, until I miss a day (or two) and get in trouble. Well, thanks for looking, and I'll try to do better.

Anyway, yesterday was American Idol day, and we went to Tim and Amy's. Everyone had fun except Emily kept getting on Mattie's nerves. You better watch it Emma! I was surprised because when I asked Mattie if she was ready to go, she said yes. And when I asked her who she wanted to see there, she said, Ah...Emma...ah...'osh...ah...Emma...ah...Nana...ah...Emma...ah...Papa...ah...Emma....

Yesterday, Mark and the kids were playing Eat Brains.

That's a game Max and Mark have had since Max was a toddler, where one says (in a zombie-ish voice) "I want to eat your brains!" and you slowly move toward you victim.

Then you rush at them and tickle them and eat their brains. So yesterday, Mattie joined in and started eating brains, too.

She really gets into character. She wobbles back and forth with her arms out and tries to say, Eat brains! It's pretty funny.

Max is a pro and Mattie runs from him every time. Wouldn't you?

Mattie thinks she can play Guitar Hero, too. Well, brother can do it, so doesn't that mean she can, too?

This is Max's Grand Prize from Easter. It may take him awhile (as in days) to eat it, but I'm betting he'll get it done.

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