Sunday, March 16, 2008

A New Day

Today is a big day for Mattie. She is officially a big girl!! See her in her big "girl" bed. Ok, so it's Max's old car bed. She doesn't seem to mind. That thing in her hand is a sandwich, she wanted to eat dinner in bed. Later Emily and Josh came over and Mattie had fun dragging them in to see her new bed.

Emily and Josh came over to see Max's new thing: Guitar Hero. Mark got it for me for Christmas, and Max just now started playing it by himself. Mom got him the kid's version, and he still does that one, but he can do quite a few songs on the regular Guitar Hero, too. Actually, he's really good, but I can't say that because it sounds like bragging coming from me. But Emily and Josh said he's really good, too! Who would guess that all my musical ability would be passed on to be used with a video game.

The first putting-to-bed-in-the-new-bed went ok. She didn't fuss too much, and we did everything the way we always did with her crib. Jammies, drink of water, hugs and kisses, and a book. She fussed a little when I left the room, but didn't get out of bed. I heard her crying later and went to check on her. I'm used to her crying, but when I listened to her, she was crying, and saying over and over, thank you, thank you (but from her it sounds like dank you, dank you). It was kind of weird, so I went in, and once you go in, she doesn't let you out easily. But I sat with her for a while, and rubbed her chin like Papa does, then left. She cried for a minute, but didn't get out of bed, and fell asleep.

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