Friday, March 14, 2008

Come on Down!!

Look at this little mommy.
She ran around the house pushing her shopping cart and baby, a purse dangling off her arm. Max and I watched the Price is Right while Mattie "shopped". They have been showing it on Friday nights for some reason, and Max and I watch it together, usually after Mattie goes to bed. Max really likes the Price is Right, and he cracks me up because if the contestant gets a prize that doesn't "match" their gender, he is disappointed for them. A man won a stove, a woman won a motorcycle. On one showcase showdown, a man had to bid on a wedding dress, and Max about flipped. When they are bidding on the big items, Max always yells, $5,000!!! He is really starting to catch on the the rules though, you know, like when they go over and all that. I guess we know what Max will be watching this Spring break. He's gonna die when he finds out it's on every morning! It might give him something to do though, it's supposed to rain most of the week.

One other funny thing, remember how Max used to color all the eyes in his coloring books and pages? Today I brought some markers and a coloring book for Mattie to the weight watchers meeting, and she busted out her markers and started coloring all the eyes! It was just like Max. She went over the whole page and colored all the eyes. Anyway, I thought it was funny. I had forgotten how often Max would do that.

One more sweet thing I don't want to forget. We were all at Max's class Spring party, when the substitute teacher (Mrs. Shrag had back surgery this week) announced that she taught piano lessons. I was standing behind Max, watching him do his project when she said it, and he turned to his friends and said that I was a great piano teacher. Then he said it a few more times to kids who came to the table late, She's a great one (pointing back at me, Awwww). I didn't even know he was aware I played piano, since every day when I sit down to practice, all of a sudden everyone is thirsty, or hungry, or needs something that is up high, or can't find something, or hurts themselves and needs a hug. It feels weird at church because I'm not used to playing for more than 30 seconds at a time.

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