Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

So, one more holiday over. It was a great one, too. Max woke up at 5:45 and asked to stay up and go through his basket. I barely remember saying yes. I figured even if I said no, he would lay in bed awake. So later we all got up and looked over the Easter stuff, and got ready for church.
After church, we ate lunch with Mimi and Papa at Olive Garden. Then we came home for a quick nap and change, then off to Aunt Cinde's.

The kids hunted eggs with Cody and Chloe, and the grown-ups talked and watched basketball. It felt like a really long day to only be taken up by a only few sentences. Anyway, it was really fun, and everyone came home tired and full of sugar, with plenty for tomorrow, too.

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