Tuesday, March 11, 2008

American Idol Pick Day

Ok, guys! The picks are in, and the most important part, the money. Except for Emily and Josh, they didn't bring any! And Jeff and Adrian, they don't live here! Everyone had a hard time picking this year. But here they are, written in stone on the world wide web:
Amy: David A. , Carly S., Brooke W., Jason C., Michael J.
Tim: Carly, David A., Jason, David C., Brooke.
Emily: David A., Jason, Brooke, Michael, Carly.
Josh: Michael, David A., Carly, David C., Jason C.
Mom: David A., Jason, Brooke, David C., Michael.
Mark: David A., Jason C., Brooke, Carly, Michael.
Melissa: David A., Carly, Jason, Brooke, Chikezie.
Jeff: Brooke, David A., Carly, David C., Jason.
Adrian: Carly, David A., Brooke, Amanda, Jason.
Let the game begin!! I mean...good luck!
Look at these cuddle bugs! I couldn't tear them apart today! I'm documenting it so I can pull it up later when they are killing each other.
By the way, we weren't eating, Mattie just decided to wear a bib all afternoon.
Mattie started Easter early today. She found these ears in the Target $1 bin and didn't take them off all day. Even at Wal-mart. It was kind of embarrassing.

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