Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dancing Matilda

Mattie has this book Aunt Cinde gave her when she was born, called Dancing Matilda. It's about a little girl kangaroo who dances constantly. It's kind of annoying to read because it says, over and over: Dancing Matilda, dance and dance and dance and dance. So Mattie has picked that up, and turns circles saying, Dance 'Tilda, dance 'Tilda, dance 'Tilda.
Her favorite dancing partner is me (of course!), and if I'm not available, Giant Cinderella.

Mark celebrated his new job by locking his keys in his car at his current job. So who had to come to the rescue? Me and Max and Mattie. So we made Mark buy us dinner. Max was so excited about going into the "restaurant" (it was only Wendy's), he ate 10 chicken nuggets. He thinks anytime you go inside a fast food place is a cause for celebration. That sounds silly, until I realize I feel the same way about real restaurants.
Sorry, no pictures of the chicken nugget eat-a-thon.

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