Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Look how far I've come!

Mattie's 2nd birthday is this week, so I thought I'd post of few pictures this week covering the years she's been around. I knew she was bald, but good grief! I don't think the pictures do her hair justice.
Today was American Idol, and again I forgot my camera. I guess we'll just have to wait until it's at my house before we get some pictures. Sorry, Dad! Josh and Emma's pizza was awesome! I think I need to add thin pizza crust to next week's grocery list.
Mattie has been sleeping better lately. Even when she was a baby, she would wake up through the night for no reason and cry. Of course, when she was small, I fed her, but she never outgrew "night waking". I feel bad, because if I go in to try and comfort her, it only makes it worse, so usually I just let her fall back asleep. It only takes a minute, usually she is not fully awake anyway. But recently, she has been sleeping through the night without waking up or crying. Sometimes you could hear her talking, too. It usually was a word she had learned recently, like "mine" or "no". She would just yell it out a few times, and when I would check on her, she would be asleep. She is such a light sleeper, we even tried playing music while she slept to accustom her to nighttime noises. It didn't seem to help. Ever since we got rid of the bottle at night, she has had a sippy cup. It only had water in it, so I figured she would get tired of it...no. She asked for a "gug" every night. But recently, we have been reading before bedtime, and letting her take her book to bed, and she has had no gug for a week or so. A few times she has asked for it, but I said no and she would cry a little bit, but no big fits. Next step...bank (her pink blanket). But she doesn't suck her thumb like Max did, so it's not as big a deal.

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