Saturday, March 8, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mattie!

Of course, today is not her real birthday, but this picture was taken in the hospital exactly 2 years ago. Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us today!! On the Border is not the traditional toddler birthday party hot spot, but we had a great time, especially Mattie and Max!

Who could have known that in two short years this sleeping angel would be such a funny, energetic, dramatic angel!

Three Princesses!!

Two Princesses!!

I think she enjoyed unwrapping the presents more than the fact that she was receiving presents!

The cutest cake ever!! (don't be jealous, Tim!)

Funny caption here.

Look at her face, I think she thinks I'm going to eat her cake.


She busted this out first thing and played with it until bedtime

(umm, so did Max).

1 comment:

Fat Guy, Good Cook? said...

Nice!!! I will forever have the image of Princess David in my head! P.S. New Recipe!!!