Friday, March 28, 2008


Today Mattie and I disagreed on the frequency of her naps. I thought once a day was reasonable, and she thought never. I put her down to nap at her normal time, and went about my business (CourtTV), and about 10 minutes later, she comes around the corner. She sleeps in her big kid bed now, so she can get out. Her strategy is pretty good, though, for a two year old. She comes around the corner, with a big smile on her face and arms wide open, and yells, "Hi, Mama!!" Like, hey! I haven't seen you in a while, since you put me down for my nap, what was that, 3 or 4 hours ago? Really?! 10 minutes? I could have sworn I was out for hours!

So I put her back in bed. We did this twice, and finally, I don't hear anything from her room. I go to peek in on her and she is not in her bed. I look around her room, and she is not there either. I looked around and didn't see her anywhere and started to get a little worried, then I found her. She had gotten out of her bed and snuck into mine. She wasn't asleep, so I said, what are you doing? She said, Sleep! She never did take a nap.

We didn't do anything else today. I know I haven't had many pictures of Max lately, but all he does anymore is Guitar Hero. It's funny to hear him going through the house singing, "here I am...rock you like a hurricane!" or "Mississippi McQueen, you know what I mean." Not sure where he picked up McQueen.
This is also Movie Night, so I am about to go join them in my bed for a late night (8:00) movie. Tonight's selection is Scooby Doo: Curse of the Loch Ness.

1 comment:

Paul said...

I have this same disagreement with my two year old. I try laying down with her and closing my eyes. As soon as she thinks I am asleep she scoots out of bed to go play.
When I "wake up" and go to get her she says. "Wake up Daddy" like I just woke up from my nap.
Kids are awesome.
Thanks for sharing yours with us.