Max was praying tonight and it was cracking me up. He said, God, I really like the book you wrote (his reader Bible), you're a really nice guy. Anyway, I thought it was funny, and he is really proud that he can read his Bible all by himself.
Yesterday, Mark and the kids were playing Eat Brains.
That's a game Max and Mark have had since Max was a toddler, where one says (in a zombie-ish voice) "I want to eat your brains!" and you slowly move toward you victim.
Then you rush at them and tickle them and eat their brains. So yesterday, Mattie joined in and started eating brains, too.
She really gets into character. She wobbles back and forth with her arms out and tries to say, Eat brains! It's pretty funny.
Max is a pro and Mattie runs from him every time. Wouldn't you?
Mattie thinks she can play Guitar Hero, too. Well, brother can do it, so doesn't that mean she can, too?
This is Max's Grand Prize from Easter. It may take him awhile (as in days) to eat it, but I'm betting he'll get it done.
The contender
The objective
The Stakes: Ultimate power!!
Today is the second day of spring break, and it rained all day. No big deal, we just did sidewalk chalk under the porch. And not much else, unless you count Guitar Hero. Max has been playing it as much as I will let him. I only let him do a couple of songs at a time. If you do it too long your eyes go crossed or something, watching that bar move so fast. Anyway, in just a few days he has really improved and can play any song.
We have been having trouble with our alarm system, beeping all the time, so Mark had to take a look at it. He had a special helper, though, to hold the flashlight and screwdriver. And what do you know, they fixed it and it doesn't beep anymore.