Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This is how Mattie plays right now (the few minutes she doesn't make me play with her). This summer will be different for her when Max is home all day. I'm looking forward to it because they entertain each other for a while, at least.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Who had a good time on American Idol day?! Not Brooke! We did though, sorry I didn't get any pictures of the go-kart rides, especially Emma's face when Max almost ran her into the parked truck. Come on, Emma, lighten up!

American Idol days will be alot more fun when Amy isn't hogging Carson all to herself.

Another reason for Papa to hit the treadmill.

Monday, April 28, 2008


I think Mattie is going to grow up to be the tilt-a-whirl operator. Or maybe the pixie dust spreader. But soon she'll be guessin' people's weight or barkin' for the yak woman. But she does love to twirl.

Can you see the crazy eyes?

Mark and Mattie's watched the Dramatic Chipmunk 100 times. Mattie waits for the chipmunk to turn around, then cracks up.

It's so nice to have good weather, and Mark gets home earlier now (for now) so he and the kids play outside while I cook dinner. It's a lot easier without my helpers.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


The weather was so nice today, we spent most of it outside. Mattie filled her shoes with sand, and Max played on the swing set and with chalk.

Here is our family portrait.

I'm the skinny one.

We also learned how to play hopscotch.

Max did really well right away.

Mattie has her own way of doing it.


Mattie and I met Mark and Tim at the Arts Festival for lunch after Mark's "meeting" and his last day at work for FSA. Max was at school. Mattie liked the music and Tim liked the food. Mattie didn't do alot of eating, but she did alot of dancing (and Tim didn't do a lot of dancing, but did do a little eating!).
Mark and Mattie watched the koi in the crystal bridge pond. They were huge!
And of course, the best part of any celebration is a balloon!
And the car ride home.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Max went to school today. He stayed home yesterday, and you would know that if I had updated this. Anyway, he was feeling alot better, so he went to school.
Mattie and I spent a "quiet" day at home. She played in the toilet, smeared ranch dressing up her arms, colored with marker on her sheets and my sheets, smashed a dozen goldfish and scattered the crumbs like seeds in the living room. Oh, and she's decided she doesn't nap anymore, so she sits on her bed in the afternoon and sings. But we had fun, she likes to brush my hair, and we played dress up with all her necklaces and sunglasses.
We also played a new game before bed. Max had the shopping cart and Mattie and I had the stroller (Mattie was sitting in it, she really didn't get the point of the game) and we raced to see who could find the most things that weren't where they belonged. Max really got into it and ran from room to room collecting things that were out of place. We picked up in 5 minutes what would have normally taken me an hour to get put up. I like this new game. Next time I get to be in the stroller.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Big Weekend

We had a really big day Friday. Max had Land Run Day at his school. It started before lunch and had a land run (of course), lunch on his "land", games, speakers, and cowboys. Max dressed up in cowboy stuff, including mustache, and Mattie wore an old time apron.
Max did the hula hoop race, the cast iron skillet toss, and the lasso. Max threw his skillet really high, you can see it in the sky in the picture. We had a really good time, and Max asked later if I had been in the land run. Mark said I should have said yes, and so was Nana and Papa, but they couldn't run as fast and that's why they live so far away.
Saturday we went to Tulsa to see Grandma Young. Mattie was worn out and didn't quite make it through her book on the trip back home.
Sunday was a big day for Max. He went down front at church Sunday morning to pray with Bro. Floyd, he will be baptized in two weeks. Bro Floyd gave Max the microphone and Max told the church, "I've been saved from the sin. Thanks for coming to Rancho Village Baptist Church. Amen." He did a great job, and we ate at Taco Bell to celebrate, Max's choice.
A few days ago, Mattie and I were waiting to pick Max up at school, and Mattie was drawing in the back seat. When we got home, I noticed something weird with her ears. She had used the pen and marked in both her ears. We had a long talk, with Max, too, about not sticking things in our ears. She felt really bad.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Papa surprised Max and Mattie today. He even brought ice cream! That gives him a firm place in Mattie's heart. Max showed Papa how good he has gotten at Guitar Hero, and Mattie showed him her spinning act on her zebra.


Mark gets the chicken fried steak special from Grandy's almost every Wednesday (it's $2.99 on Wednesday's, Emily!). And every week, Mattie climbs up and helps him eat it. It started with the mashed potatoes at first, but now she has moved on to the steak and rolls. The only thing she won't eat is the corn. Mark says he is going to start buying two so he can have some to eat.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Day!!!

American Idol day at Josh and Emma's. Sorry Tim and Amy, maybe next week you can do something cool like us!
(Just kidding hope you had a good time at the concert!)
My camera's battery is out, but I'll charge it and have better pictures tomorrow!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Free Friday!

Max was out of school today, so Max and Mattie and I went to the zoo. It was really fun, but chilly. Mattie loved the lions, roaring (Mattie, not the lions) and running away from the glass yelling, "Ah! Get you!!" (to her that's "get me").

They both loved the new part of the zoo. Fish, snakes, and other things.

We even ate lunch outside. Mattie was pretty nervous about the merry-go-round, but Max is an old pro.