Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This weekend Mark and Mattie and I went to the mountains with Mark's college sunday school group. Max stayed the night with Mimi and Papa and Zach.
Mattie really likes the Holy City, especially the throne, where she belongs.
Mark is in his natural element, too.
Mattie enjoyed the attention of all the guys! Look out future 8th graders!
Mark and the boys climbed some rocks up high, and Mattie and I hiked around the rocks at the base of the hill.
I call this one
"Dummies on a Mountain"
Emily hosted the Tuesday night dinner! And it was yummy!
Say hello to the cutest skunk EVER! Tim talked his work into doing the trick or treat this year just so Carson would have an excuse to wear this. I call a few floors to carry the skunk!
Emma got out Mousetrap right before it was time to leave. Thanks, Emma!
The dudes.

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