Monday, September 8, 2008

Month-long Update

Hey!! We're back!! We have lots of updates and some debuts.

First: Carson's debut on the blog

Isn't he cute!!

Carson's cute, too.

Next: Mattie's First Pigtails

And she's only 2 1/2!!

Max made his debut into 1st grade.

He's looks right at home!

And: Chloe's blog debut. She came over and played for a few days while Shannon was in the hospital having baby Cayden. The girls had a great time swimming, playing in the sandbox, and a hundred other things they did.

We went to the Arts Festival last weekend and the kids had their faces painted.

Max got a handlebar mustache and goatee.

And this is actually Spiderman's face. Really.

Mattie drew this tonight, by herself. This cracks me up, look at the eyebrows, and tongue. Even a nose. But no legs. I take off for that.

Anyone who has spent any time with Mattie has seen this face.

Authority figures beware.

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