Wednesday, June 23, 2010

VBS 2010!

We've been having a great time at VBS this year! The theme is Saddleridge Ranch, so the first day Mattie wanted to wear her cowgirl outfit. So she rode in on Moe, also note snakey around her waist, but today he is not snakey, he's a rope.Max had fun in crafts. The first day they made chirpers: sticks with beads that you rub together and it sounds like crickets. Fun!

Not sure what part of VBS this was.Mmmmmmm.....lunch!! Dallas looks happy about it, anyway. The second day was Crazy Hat/Crazy Hair Day. Mattie wore a ponytail Mohawk and crazy flamingo glasses.Max wore crazy monkey glasses and a crazy shark hat!!Finally on the second day they had something Max would eat! Nachos! Well, chips with meat and lettuce. And jello! Kai is making friends, too. I don't have many pictures of him, because if he sees me, it causes lot of problems!

Fun with Lucas!

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