Monday, February 1, 2010

Max's 8th Birthday Pary!!

It's been 8 years since the day a tiny baby boy was born unexpectedly. Now look what that's led to: taking ten 7 and 8 year old boys to the Lego store and letting them go crazy!

All the boys (eventually) picked their kits and happily built away.

Our Lego helper was the best, and I think every Lego employee came by the tables at least a few times to talk to the boys and help out.

Max picked a new Atlantis Lego kit

The tiny tables actually worked really well. None of the pieces got mixed up and there were no fistfights or legos scattered over the floor. I guess I don't give boys enough credit.

Christopher's Grandpa (talking to Mark here) suggested the Lego store needs an adult lounging area.

Building away!

At one point, it was really quiet, they were so into the building!

Then cake at the food court!

Still messing with their Legos! No time for cake!

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