Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We have had a few big days. Yesterday we stopped by Grandma's to show off our costumes.
Chloe and everyone came by to say Hi, too.
Then we went to Bass Pro Shop for their Halloween bash.
Max's favorite was the fishing.
Mattie's was the pumpkin painting.
Max made smores.
And Mattie ate them.
Then, today, Max received the Character Counts award for Respect. He was really excited and proud, and was thrilled with the prize: a coupon book from McDonalds. He read me off all 25 coupons, twice, in the the car on the way home and later, again, at home.
Tonight we went to the Fall Festival at a different church.
My beard making could use some work.
Happy Pirates eat cotton candy.
I think I could make a timeline of Mattie's life just with pictures of her eating cotton candy.
Max spent alot of time at the basketball, the candy was good there, I guess.
This is Mattie's kind of fishing.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

We went to the Aquarium, like two weeks ago. No, it just feels like it's been a while since I've posted. Max had fall break, so Mark took some time off and went to the Aquarium.

The kids were so good on the drive down. I didn't hear a peep out of them the whole trip!

We ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel, but this is the only picture of that, because once the food arrived, it was pretty crazy. We all ordered something different and then passed the plates around! We had pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, biscuits, ham, hashbrowns, gits (no one ate those), everything.
Who can look cute next to this!?!
Our fist stop was the sharks, because it was feeding time. That turned out to be a little tamer than you would think. But we liked it.
We really liked the sting rays, too. They would come to the edge and splash us.
Max feed the sting rays.
Mattie, too.

Max touched all the things in the touch pool.
Including a starfish. Mattie didn't want to touch any of them.
She did like the jellyfish, though.
Hey, look! Patrick!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We have our Halloween stuff out for this year. What do you think? It looks really good at night with the green backlights.

Max set up the skeleton, it's his favorite.

These are my favorite.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Family Reunion!!!
We all had a great time at the river and seeing everyone again.
The boys loved the river (meaning, the mud).
Mattie liked the water, not so much the mud.
It was too windy for kites, at least, that's what we told ourselves.
And of course, the hayride!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

We had a big day today!!

Mattie had fun at a parachute play group.

She grabbed that handle and didn't let go.

They circled around on tiptoe, skipping, hopping, and running. It was so funny! She skipped around and would yell, Look, Mama, I skipping! on every pass.

We had a special visitor today!! It was so much fun, you can tell he wants to get up and go so bad! He thinks he's a big boy!

Game Night! Max chose Twister. My favorite (not).

Max is the reining champ, with Mattie a close second.

I'm not even in the running.