Monday, June 2, 2008


Hey! We're back! This whole "summer vacation" thing has everything turned upside down, schedule wise, so we're getting everything settled.

We have spent a lot of time at the Y swimming, which Max loves and Mattie tolerates. I was really surprised how timid she was about the water. She really didn't like it at first. There were lots of tears and "no, mama" 's , but she eventually warmed up to it, but never got off my lap. The next time was better, she will go about knee deep (for her, so about six inches) and say, Look, mama, I swimming! But she was happy, so we had a good time.

Max is all over the place, under the water, kickn' around, having a great time. He is the one that talks me into going everyday, and practically gets everything ready himself, so that is big for him. He really likes it, so we will probably still go (a little bit) even after our pool is up, because the Y's pool is so shallow, and it may be the best way to get Mattie used to it.
The only pictures I have are from Memorial Day last week (sorry). We worked outside all weekend on the pool and the yards. Mark tore out the old liner, I work on the paving stones, and Mattie and Max played in the new sand box. We decided to eat outside, which was really great, but I forgot about the nasty smell from the old liner. Mark was a trooper and didn't mention it, and the kids never seem to smell anything, unless it's something I'm cooking they don't want to eat.
We had the traditional Memorial Day feast, including Mark's special hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, everything.
This is how Max looks at food he likes, someday I show you what he looks like when he doesn't like it, but ya'll have probably already seen that.
Then we topped it off with homemade strawberry shortcake and whip cream.
It was a hit, with only a hint of moldy rotting liner.

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