Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Max stayed home from school today, he wasn't feeling well, stuffy and ache-y. He needs to feel better before Friday, because that is his school's end of the year carnival, and he can't miss that!! They build it up all year, so it should be "super fun".

I told Mattie to be nice to Max because he was sicky. So she took care of him, rubbing his head and talking softly to him...for about 2 minutes, then she told me, "I sicky!"

They did good, though, and had a good day together, after Max's Benadryl wore off.

Another thing I want to note, I thing this is funny. Max is a huge hand washer. He religiously washes his hands with several pumps of soap after using the bathroom, which is great. But I may have over done the germ talk with him, this winter he would get red patchy dry spots on his hands from washing so often at school. I made him put lotion on 3 times a day and it eventually went away (I say "made" him because he was convinced lotion was for girls).


Sometimes, if I'm not keeping up with it, the soap in the bathroom starts to run low. I always know when because I will go to pump some soap and I will get water with a few stray suds. The first time this happened, I asked Max about it, and he told me not to worry about buying more soap, he took care of it and made some soap. He had filled the dispenser with water and thought he was making soap. That was like two years ago, and he still puts water in the soap dispenser when it starts to run out.

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