Thursday, May 22, 2008


We have a graduate in our house!! Max graduated kindergarten Tuesday. Doesn't he look handsome? He's got his resume in his pocket.
Max earned two awards, the highest score in language, and most improved reader. On his standardized testing, he tested in the 95th percentile overall, and the 99th percentile in reading and language. His is reading at a grade equivalent of 3.5 and his overall grade equivalent is 2.3. So he did pretty well this year.
Everyone came out to see him graduate.
Then we went for ice cream.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Someone had a good time at Papa and Nana's yesterday!

The pink juice came just in time, too, we ran out this morning.

Max only had 1 1/2 days of school left and it is getting harder and harder to get him to bed each night. Graduation is tomorrow!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


What a day! Everyone was busy today! Dad, Tim, Josh, Emily, and Mark were at the golf tournament, Max, Mattie and I were at Max's school carnival, and poor Mom and Amy were the only ones working!

Max's carnival was really fun. This is where I found him, at the dunk tank, and he barely left it all day. When it was his turn, the poor freezing teacher inside would hold her nose and say, Oh,no, it's Max again! And sure enough, he would knock her in every time. Sometimes on his second try, but he always got her down. I felt sorry for her, it was a warm day, but not warm enough to be wet!

This was the only way Mattie would go on the inflatable slide, one of the older boys carried her up and went down with her. She never touched it again all day. She doesn't like how they feel or something, she won't even stand on it. But we found other things to do.

Like cotton candy!! Mattie discovered cotton candy and she really likes it.

Max likes the inflatables!

Mattie likes cotton candy.

Max competed in the sack race and did a great job.

Mattie ate more cotton candy.

Max's class all got this face paint, it was really funny, all of them running around with the same face paint. The only "difference" was the girls called themselves cats and the boys were tigers.

We loved Max's teacher this year. She was so special, and did a great job.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Sorry I don't have anything today, the camera is being charged for carnival day tomorrow, though! So get ready!

I'll leave you with a classic today:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Max stayed home from school today, he wasn't feeling well, stuffy and ache-y. He needs to feel better before Friday, because that is his school's end of the year carnival, and he can't miss that!! They build it up all year, so it should be "super fun".

I told Mattie to be nice to Max because he was sicky. So she took care of him, rubbing his head and talking softly to him...for about 2 minutes, then she told me, "I sicky!"

They did good, though, and had a good day together, after Max's Benadryl wore off.

Another thing I want to note, I thing this is funny. Max is a huge hand washer. He religiously washes his hands with several pumps of soap after using the bathroom, which is great. But I may have over done the germ talk with him, this winter he would get red patchy dry spots on his hands from washing so often at school. I made him put lotion on 3 times a day and it eventually went away (I say "made" him because he was convinced lotion was for girls).


Sometimes, if I'm not keeping up with it, the soap in the bathroom starts to run low. I always know when because I will go to pump some soap and I will get water with a few stray suds. The first time this happened, I asked Max about it, and he told me not to worry about buying more soap, he took care of it and made some soap. He had filled the dispenser with water and thought he was making soap. That was like two years ago, and he still puts water in the soap dispenser when it starts to run out.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This is what sick days look like at our house. I could tell Max wasn't feeling well, but not bad enough to stay laying down, or to not want to play guitar hero (I said no).

We said goodbye to a good friend today. Turtlie was released back into the wild...or at least a drainage ditch by the highway. Max had a hard time letting go, but I was really proud of him.

American Idol was at Emily and Josh's tonight, and Max and Mattie made themselves comfortable on Emma's bed. Max passed out right away, and Mattie watched a movie.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Max has adopted a turtle we found on the road by Nana and Papa's house. Max took him to school today, and the kids went wild. Mrs. Shrag wanted him to stay, so he stayed at school all day. Poor thing.

Max named him Turtlie, and gets teary eyed when I mention letting him go.

Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's day. Max made me a flower pot picture holder, and drew me a great picture of us. Mattie helped open it. I also got a "coupon" for a dress, shoes, and a necklace, with a extra coupon for something for Mattie while we shop.

Did you know Max saved up enough to get his Indiana Jones Lego thing? He may not have told you about it. He saved up $65 with everyone's help. He did do alot of chores, it was kind of nice to have the help.

This is how I found Mattie after her "nap".

Mark took a real nap, and to distract Mattie, I told her to go find a blanket for Daddy, he is cold. She brought him this:

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I didn't bring my camera with me this weekend, but Emma was nice enough to email me these from hers.
Papa really put these guys to work this weekend, Mattie moving rocks and Max dragging limbs. Max got paid $6, and Mattie only got $1, but she did skip out halfway through to go to a party!

Sunday, May 4, 2008


So the big day finally arrived. Max has been counting down the days for 2 weeks. Today he was baptized.

Mark got him all robed up.

Mr. Bill, deacon, helped get him all ready and waited with us.

Max said the water was warm, like taking a bath.

Bro. Floyd talked about how we had dedicated Max six years ago to the day, and how everyone had watched Max grow up and do different things like help with offering, and run around the church.

He asked Max if he had accepted Jesus and planned to follow Him for the rest of his life, and Max nodded.

Bro. Floyd talked for so long, Max was kind of startled when he started to go down in the water, but he went under like a champ. Max had been standing on a milk crate (so everyone could see him in the sanctuary) so it took him a minute to get his balance back.

Then out he came!

Mark got him all dried off, or tried to, because Max had been jumping around since we got there, and he still couldn't hold still.