Friday, February 22, 2013

We're back, baby. This will be mostly a journal for me, so I'm not out to entertain anyone. So turn back now.


Max is enjoying 5th grade, his friends Kenny and Rence seem nice. His teacher Mrs Tuttle is sweet. Max is growing up, I can tell because he is getting lippy. He argues and talks back quite a bit, not sure how much to let him get away with. He usually is not overly rude or disrespectful, but I'm afraid to let it go too far.  He is so sweet to Kai and usually Mattie, and is fairly independent. He says and does the most hysterical things. He is really funny, and not just in the cute little kid way. He is really witty and makes great jokes. He's a great kid.

Mattie is loving school as usual, her friends vary from day to day. She is so energetic and creative. At least once a day I find a pile of cut paper and tape and markers where she has made some hat or drawing or sometimes even a whole costume. Usually a dragon, Pokemon, or animal. The latest one was paper copy's of the hats in the movie Emperor's New Groove. They were really good. She usually makes something for Kai to wear as well.  They play so well together now. While max won't play "house" with Mattie, Kai is more than happy to. And doctor. And school. And barnyard. They usually make it about 20 to 40 minutes before squabbling about something or another. She doesn't like to play alone.

Kai is hysterical. Sweet, funny, stubborn, active, talkative, and crazy. He dances to every snipit of music he hears, insists he can spell and write, has NO problem telling me I am wrong about something, and would eat candy all day every day if I let him. He adores Jackson coming every day, and cries and says he has no friends when there isn't anyone here to play with him. He never plays on his own and will either follow me around pestering me to play with him, or ride his scooter or any other vehicle around the house when we are stuck inside. I always think I will never get tired of hearing his little voice, until about 2:00pm when I just want him to can it for 5 minutes. He's adorable.

So that is a good catch up, and I will try to be back tomorrow with more day to day things.