Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Here is the 2009 version of Madewell Halloween House!

My favorite, and the mailman's, the huge spider web that you have to duck under to get on the porch.
I think when I made it, I measured it at 12 feet tall, 11 feet wide.

At night, the green light really spooks up the spider.

Mark made me two props this year. This is the first one. A full size coffin for my mummy. Isn't it great?! Max and Mattie's pumpkins really kill the mood...but I'm a good mom and we displayed them.

This is the other prop Mark made. An emerging coffin with light up skull. Isn't he the best husband ever!?

It's really creepy when the skull lights up. It fades to different colors. Mega cool.

Watch out for the Disco monster!

The cable man didn't make it.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Catching Up

Kai was laughing at my funny sounds...or my face, I'm not sure.

This is what Mattie has been wearing 24/7. A skeleton costume Nana bought at the thrift store. Best $5 EVER.

It's hard work being a full-time skeleton.