Thursday, January 22, 2009

Max is the strangest little kid when it comes to food. He won't eat cheese, pudding, mashed potatoes, McDonalds, macaroni, and he won't lick the spoon when I make a cake.

Mattie will lick the spoon, but she won't eat cheese, mashed potatoes, or macaroni.

He may not lick the spoon, but he likes the finished product.

It's hard to get the part in the middle.

Mattie's First Haircut

Mattie finally got her first haircut. It only took 3 years.
She did really good, and held still. Almost too still, she just kind of stared at herself in the mirror. I asked if she liked it, and she said yes.
She got little baby bangs.
No more mullet.
She actually really likes to have her hair blow dried. I blow dry her hair every night after her bath, then she gets the hairdryer she got for Christmas and dries mine.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Oh, man. Christmas is over. Our house looks like a Toys R Us that has been ransacked. Mattie still has toys that haven't been opened, but Max has opened all his new toys.
This was our Christmas tree after Santa came Christmas night.
Mark and Max have worked all week on the K'nex roller coaster. It's huge!
Max has to stand on his train table just to turn it on.
Mattie has known she is a Princess all along. Now she has the jewelry to prove it.