Tuesday, August 12, 2008


This is the last "official" day of summer. Max has open house tomorrow, and first day of school Thursday. We had a good time this summer, but he is so ready to go back to school.
This is their the dam they built in the sandbox.
Here's another dam picture.
Where can I get some dam bait?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Max's basketball season is over. We had a great pizza party at Cici's. We passed out medals, and everyone had fun.
Almost everyone.
We went to the zoo this week, too.
Max is actually behind there lifting her up. What a good brother!
Mattie got a new toy today, and it's all Papa's fault. It's a huge plastic house that was the display at Toys-R-Us. They have had it there a while, and she plays in it forever every time we go. It's Papa's fault because he gave Max ten dollars, and it was burning a hole in his pocket, so we went to Toys-r-us to spend it. Mattie played in the house forever again, and I though it couldn't hurt to ask if they would sell the display. The house is regular $300, but they wanted $150 for the display because it was kind of beat up. I told him I couldn't pay more than $75, and he called the manager, and he OKed it. So we got the Ok from Mark, and he came and helped us get it home.
It was raining when we got home, so Mark set it up in her room so she could play with it tonight. You can barely reach her bed, and can't open her drawers or closet it is so big. But it has a doorbell, and windows with shutters that open and close, and a sink and chair, and a porch. She really likes it, and I will really like it in the back yard.